Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Weekend in Haifa/Gallilee


"I wish I was part of the club!" This is a comment I received today
from an American grad student who is studying International Relations
in Beirut and living in Jordon for the summer. I met him and his
friend while on the bus traveling back from Haifa to Jerusalem. It
makes me very proud when he said this to me and I know I am lucky to
be a part of an ancient religion and traditions that link me to such a
controversial but special place.

Everyday I realize something new that I love about Israel but also
something that makes me understand the reality of living here. This
past week I went for a run past the King David Hotel 20 minutes before
there was a terror incident. I was running down King George Street and
I see ambulances, police, firetrucks zooming by and I knew it was no
regular car accident. As I passed the scene I could not help feel
saddened, shocked, but also frustration. I am frustrated about the
cycle of mis-trust and terror. The Arabs are upset about their
economical and political situation and the Israelis are frustrated
with their lack of security even with all the measures that are
implemented. Each time an Arab, weather Palestinian or Arab Israeli,
creates an act of terror the Israelis put more restrictions and their
level of trust of Arabs is weakened. Back in Boston when I was
advocating for Israel I did not understand the complexity of the
situation through emotions, only through intellect, but now that I am
experiencing this first-hand I am beginning to understand the cycle
and intense emotions of the conflict from both sides.

On to a lighter note, I am in love with living in Israel. This weekend
I went on a trip to Haifa with my friend Alyssa and we toured Zichron
Yakov, hiked Mt. Carmel, tasted Druze food at Daliet-al Carmel, and
swam in the Kinneret late in the afternoon on Shabbat (pictures
below). I also love the group of people at Ulpan and we are learning
a lot of conjugations which I have a test on tomorrow.

As I've told a few people I feel like a complete person here and I am
extremely happy. I felt a void in Boston and now I am in a place where
I know is the right place for me.

Have a great week

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