Wednesday, August 6, 2008

One Month in Israel July 20th


Ma Matzav (What's up?) Last Thursday I started Ulpan (Hebrew lessons)
at Ulpan Etzion in Jerusalem. It is a 20 minute walk from where I
live and it is 8:15am to 12:45 Sunday through Thursday, so that is
what I am doing with my days for five months! I am in kita (class)
Aleph 3 which means I am 3 out of 7 levels. I thought I would be
higher since I can read and write but because I am not good at
conversational Hebrew they put me in this class to start but I should
move up within a month to kita Bet. There are about 15 people in my
class from all over the world (Chile, Holland, South Africa,
Australia, Ethiopia, France, Canada and of course the USA). It is very
interesting trying to converse with someone that knows little Hebrew
and English but fluent in Spanish when I know little Hebrew or Spanish
and am fluent in English...luckily he is very good looking so I put up
with the hardship of conversing with him (hahahaha).

This past week I went to the Jerusalem Wine Festival which was
amazing. I attached the picture of me and my friend Shmu who came with
Deb Donig and a few others. It was held at the Israeli Museum and
there were thousands of people, 150 different Israeli wines, music and
food. Jerusalem's scene is growing on me and there is something to do
every night. I am meeting a lot of people through where I am living,
networking and Ulpan so I have created a few groups of friends

I've met a wonderful man here who gives me the best water
and popsicles and conversational Hebrew lessons. He is the local
convenient store man who is 60 years old and has taken a liking to my
smile (as he says). I sit with him for a half on hour a day and chat
which has improved my self-esteem to speak Hebrew to Israelis.

I wanted to fill you in on the daily happenings of my days in
Jerusalem...I am in love with living here. I feel as though the world
is at my fingertips here and I can accomplish anything I want...with
the understanding of the pushy Israeli culture.

Shavua Tov (have a good week)

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