Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Moving On Israel

Hello friends and family,

It has been a whirl-win of a month. It was very nice to see friends and family in Boston and visit my old-home but once returning to Israel, I knew I arrived to my new home, where I feel I belong as a Jew. Visiting Boston made me realize that there is no place I would rather be than living in Israel. I also realized I've picked up a few Israeli "bad habits" and do not understand the meaning of an organized line anymore, personal space or how loud my voice raises when I speak Hebrew.

I can not write this email without addressing the celebration of Purim in Israel and the passing away of the elderly man I took care of, Dave Medved. Dave passed away on Purim morning, which I found out is actually a huge mitzvah and we had a few shots of whisky in his honor. Although I was sad and miss him occasionally he lived a full life and died peacefully.
One of the best aspects of living in Israel is the celebration of Jewish holidays and Purim was an exceptional holiday to experience. All the kids were dressed up, humantashins were in abundance and the partying was plenty. I would not say it was better than Halloween because growing up near Salem, MA and having Halloween as my birthday makes that holiday a fabulous occasion as well.

For the past couple of weeks I've traveled around Israel with Cassie (see picture). We relaxed in Elat, partied a bit in Tel Aviv, went shopping and sightseeing in Jerusalem and relaxed in a beautiful bed & breakfast in the Galil (Cassie's aunt owns it if anyone wants the information). Now back to real life...

Although...real life consist of...working on the Tishbi Winery in Zichron Yakov. Today I got a job working on the Tishbi winery as a tour guide and waitress. My goal for working on the winery and living in Zichron Yakov is to improve my Hebrew by being immersed in Israeli society and to learn the process of wine making. I plan on renting an apartment with Israeli young adults or living with an Israeli family.

I hope all is well with everyone and I look forward to people visiting me on the winery :)

Chag Samach (Happy Passover)

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