Monday, April 20, 2009

Chag (Passover) in Israel

Shalom all,

It seems that the Jewish and Christian holiday’s fell on the same time this year between Christmas/Hanukah and Easter/ Passover so recently it was very busy time in Israel. You can see from the pictures the Church of the Holy Seplecre during Easter and a picture overlooking the Old City of Jerusalem during the Birkat Hachamah (the time every 28 years when the sun is in the estimated position from when creation began) the uniqueness of Jerusalem for different religions.

During the Birkat Hachamah, I could hear the echo of Jews praying from different areas around Jerusalem but what was amazing was hearing the Jews who were at the Kotel praying and singing all together because the reverberations off the walls of the Old City magnified the volume. It was one of those moments in life that I will remember forever and know that it was a special sunrise.

For Passover I went to my adopted Jerusalem family for a 6 hour seder where we read each and every page, front to back. Thank g-d there is only one night of seder in Israel. What I loved most about Passover in Israel is that you do not feel like you are suffering at all from dry matza rolls or horrible tasting food. Most of the restaurants were open and they served yummy potato bread and the menu was basically the same as during the year.

From my last email I told everyone I got a job in Zichron Yakov working at the Tishbi winery. I moved up here yesterday, got a one-bedroom apt that is very quaint, in the center of town and has a communal pool. I will send pictures and tell you all about my work experience next week. Today I went to the winery, picked up the menu and tour guide information so when you come to the Tishbi winery I will be able to give you a 30 minute tour and do some wine tasting

I can not end this email without recognizing that tonight until tomorrow night is Yom HaShoah. It will be my first time to hear the siren that will sound tomorrow morning at 10am in remembrance of the 6 million Jews that were murdered in the Holocaust.

I hope all is well with everyone.

All my love,


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