Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Nir Barkat and the GA

Shalom from the homeland!

Sorry it has been a while since I've updated everyone about the happening with my life in Israel but life is very busy and interesting. I am still going to Ulpan (Hebrew lessons) but only about 3 days a week, I am working part-time babysitting and in elderly care, and enjoying my new friends.

The interesting part of my life is that I was campaigning for Nir Barkat, the newly elected mayor of Jerusalem and he WON!! I am sure most of you have heard about him if not you can go here: The day of the election I stood on the corner of a major intersection waving at people and yelling VOTE Nir Barkat (in Hebrew) - see picture! Also, the night of the American election we stayed up very very late to watch the results on tv and it was extremely exciting that Obama won.

These past few days the GA (General Assembly) of North American Federations was happening in Jerusalem so I attended most of the conference. The speakers included Prime Minister Olmert, President Shimon Peres, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni and many other Jewish leaders. The main point of the conference for me was to network and see some friends from Boston/NY/DC which was very nice. I would fill you in on the details but my friend Benji Lovitt (who went with me) wrote such a hysterically true piece on the conference that I am going to direct you to his blog.

I hope all is well with everyone in the States and you are "staying above water" during this challenging economic time.

All my love,
Taryn and me volunteering on election day

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