Monday, December 15, 2008

Integrating into Israeli society

Hello friends and family,

It has been about a month since I've updated you about life in Israel, which is going very well. It is getting a bit chilly here but I still go out for my morning runs which proves to be the most dangerous thing here because of the wet, slippery leaves on the limestone, hilly sidewalks.

I ended Ulpan Etzion early in November because life was getting busy and I started working a few jobs but I found a part-time intensive Ulpan which I will start in early January. In the meantime, I babysit the cutest baby, care for a very nice elderly man, am the Marketing Director for Sacred Burial Products which capitalizes on Christian ideology by selling soil from Israel to Christians for burial (everyone has their flugelbinder) so hopefully this is mine, and I am selling ads for PresenTense Magazine. I am also on the Steering Committee for PresenTense Summer Institute and will be developing a business/ leadership curriculum for the summer fellows. (my Masters is actually coming in handy!)

It is hard to express in words the transition that I am going through living in Israel but what I've realized is that this experience is a step to the process. It is not the end all be all, but something that will make me a better Jewish leader and Zionist. The World is too transient now to be in one place forever.

I've thought a lot about the transition steps for an Anglo who immigrates to Israel and these are some of my observations and insights. This past summer I was in vacation/program mode in which I made my group of friends, explored Israel, and finally enjoyed some free time in my life. Then the Chagim (holidays) month was a fun-food-filled festival in which I experienced some eye-opening events. After the Chagim reality set in and money starting running low so it was time for me to stop having so much fun and start applying for the jobs I was researching in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility, but reality hit me even harder when people told me my Hebrew was not up to par. This brings me to the real integration into Israeli society- working 4 jobs!

I love living here but there are times I feel like my world in Boston just lifted itself up and changed locations to Jerusalem. Through talking with people they say the integration into Israeli society takes a good three years, from learning Hebrew, to settling into a community, getting a "real" job and breaking away from my Anglo world. Who knows? I have friends here for all different reasons, some just to get a free Masters, or an Israeli passport which is more useful than their South African passport, and some to find a husband. I am still finding my reason but in the meantime gaining insight into the process. I also think to really understand what it means to live in Israel and be an Israeli I have to live in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and maybe up North (working on a winery).

Sorry this is such a long email but I've been doing a lot of thinking about the integration into Israeli society and how/where I would benefit the Jewish world at large.
I am very excited to see some of you this December/January when you are leading Birthrights, which if you need to me to speak to the group about any topic, I am available. For the rest of you, I will see you when I visit Boston/Philly/NY in late February.

Chag Samach and all my love,
Me and baby Livnat...soooooo cute!

My street!!!

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