Monday, January 11, 2010

My Israel Wine Tours Update

Hello friends and family,

It has been a few months since my last update and I am glad to report that life in Israel is still enjoyable, energizing, and fulfilling. It was wonderful to see the people that I was able to visit during Thanksgiving and in early December, and I hope to see some of you in Israel soon, maybe for Passover and during the summer.

I’ve been up to a lot in these past few months. I worked my way up the “ladder” at Tishbi to co-managing the Visitors Center and conducing English tours two to three times a day (I paced myself with the drinking!). However, when I returned from the States I decided I needed to develop myself professionally in Israel more than I could gain at Tishbi and I started my own Wine Tour Company called, My Israel Wine Tours

The company is geared towards English speakers that want to enjoy a day or two days touring wineries in Israel. I customize the tour for them depending on their desires and hire them a tour guide, transportation and do all the logistics beforehand so they can enjoy their time and not worry about directions or any logistics. The website is not 100% completed and the business will be up and running by February 15th.

I also have another part-time job at a relocation company called Dolphin Express, which relocates people from Israel to USA and visa versa. They are very nice to work with and I mostly do their English marketing and sales. If you know anyone that wants to relocate to Israel have them contact me.

Last but not least, I met a wonderful, kind and loving mench, named Jonathan. He is 28, from CA and made Aliyah 6 months ago. He is in the film industry and lives in Tel Aviv. Life is going really well!

Even though there is facebook, I always love to receive a nice personal email letting me know how you are doing and what is going on with your life.

You can also find me on Skype at EstherMolly.

I attached 2 pictures, one of the Temple Mount, since I just recently experienced this for the first time a couple of months ago, and the other picture of Jonathan and I in Tsfat as the sun was going down behind Mount Moron.

Happy 2010!

All my love,


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