Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My Israel Wine Tours Launched!

Hello friends and family,

I am very happy to announce that My Israel Wine Tours is officially launched! The website is created, the accounting is done and clients are already being booked!

Please share this one-page blurb with your friends and family so they can take pleasure in a Wine Tour of Israel.

My Israel Wine Tours

Esther Cohen, 052-738-6923

Join My Israel Wine Tours for a unique journey through Israel.

My Israel Wine Tours provides high-quality, individualized wine tours for those who crave a delightful and different Israel travel experience. Israeli wines are becoming a worldwide and world-class phenomenon. Through wine and its culture you can discover the past, present and future of Israel! Tours are customized for you, according to your choices, which include:

· Which region do you want to visit? (Golan Heights, Lower or Upper Galilee, Mount Carmel, Shomron and Central Coast, Judaea Plain and Hills, and the Negev).

· What are your wine preferences? (kosher, non-kosher, boutique)

· What are your travel needs? (personal, corporate, price, length)

Based on your criteria, the experts at My Israel Wine Tours build an itinerary designed expressly for you! Your tour may be a one-day jaunt or a longer trek that lasts several days. We provide you with a tour director, transportation, entrance fees and other logistics. The price depends upon the length and the number of participants. You will know all fees upfront, with no hidden costs.

Each bottle of wine tells an intimate story. Join My Israel Wine Tours to see, hear and taste the flavors of Israel in a timely and timeless way!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Other Israel/Aliyah blogs that I recommend

Hello Friends and family,

One thing I have not shared with you is all the other Israel/ Aliyah blogs that are similar to mine, but with a little twist. It is always good to get another perspective about what is it like to live in Israel as a new immigrant from the US.

Three of my favorite blogs are:

What War Zone by Benji Lovitt. Benji is a comedian that made Aliyah from Texas four years ago and he takes the littlest things in Israeli society and turns them into a hysterical satire.

Israel by Day, American by Night by Danny Brothers. Danny is in the IDF and he made Aliyah 2 years ago from Virgina. His blog is about his experience as a new immigrant in the IDF.

Moving to Israel by Ari Strauch. This blog gives information on which organizations and companies to reach for all your aliyah questions. It is very informative and also witty.

Enjoy them!

Lots of love,

Monday, January 11, 2010

My Israel Wine Tours Update

Hello friends and family,

It has been a few months since my last update and I am glad to report that life in Israel is still enjoyable, energizing, and fulfilling. It was wonderful to see the people that I was able to visit during Thanksgiving and in early December, and I hope to see some of you in Israel soon, maybe for Passover and during the summer.

I’ve been up to a lot in these past few months. I worked my way up the “ladder” at Tishbi to co-managing the Visitors Center and conducing English tours two to three times a day (I paced myself with the drinking!). However, when I returned from the States I decided I needed to develop myself professionally in Israel more than I could gain at Tishbi and I started my own Wine Tour Company called, My Israel Wine Tours

The company is geared towards English speakers that want to enjoy a day or two days touring wineries in Israel. I customize the tour for them depending on their desires and hire them a tour guide, transportation and do all the logistics beforehand so they can enjoy their time and not worry about directions or any logistics. The website is not 100% completed and the business will be up and running by February 15th.

I also have another part-time job at a relocation company called Dolphin Express, which relocates people from Israel to USA and visa versa. They are very nice to work with and I mostly do their English marketing and sales. If you know anyone that wants to relocate to Israel have them contact me.

Last but not least, I met a wonderful, kind and loving mench, named Jonathan. He is 28, from CA and made Aliyah 6 months ago. He is in the film industry and lives in Tel Aviv. Life is going really well!

Even though there is facebook, I always love to receive a nice personal email letting me know how you are doing and what is going on with your life.

You can also find me on Skype at EstherMolly.

I attached 2 pictures, one of the Temple Mount, since I just recently experienced this for the first time a couple of months ago, and the other picture of Jonathan and I in Tsfat as the sun was going down behind Mount Moron.

Happy 2010!

All my love,
